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import Defaults from './Defaults'
import Utils from './../../utils/Utils'
import Options from './Options'
* ApexCharts Config Class for extending user options with pre-defined ApexCharts config.
* @module Config
export default class Config {
constructor(opts) {
this.opts = opts
init({ responsiveOverride }) {
let opts = this.opts
let options = new Options()
let defaults = new Defaults(opts)
this.chartType = opts.chart.type
if (this.chartType === 'histogram') {
// technically, a histogram can be drawn by a column chart with no spaces in between
opts.chart.type = 'bar'
opts = Utils.extend(
plotOptions: {
bar: {
columnWidth: '99.99%'
opts = this.extendYAxis(opts)
opts = this.extendAnnotations(opts)
let config = options.init()
let newDefaults = {}
if (opts && typeof opts === 'object') {
let chartDefaults = {}
const chartTypes = [
if (chartTypes.indexOf(opts.chart.type) !== -1) {
chartDefaults = defaults[opts.chart.type]()
} else {
chartDefaults = defaults.line()
if (opts.chart.brush && opts.chart.brush.enabled) {
chartDefaults = defaults.brush(chartDefaults)
if (opts.chart.stacked && opts.chart.stackType === '100%') {
opts = defaults.stacked100(opts)
// If user has specified a dark theme, make the tooltip dark too
this.checkForDarkTheme(window.Apex) // check global window Apex options
this.checkForDarkTheme(opts) // check locally passed options
opts.xaxis = opts.xaxis || window.Apex.xaxis || {}
// an important boolean needs to be set here
// otherwise all the charts will have this flag set to true window.Apex.xaxis is set globally
if (!responsiveOverride) {
opts.xaxis.convertedCatToNumeric = false
opts = this.checkForCatToNumericXAxis(this.chartType, chartDefaults, opts)
if (
(opts.chart.sparkline && opts.chart.sparkline.enabled) ||
(window.Apex.chart &&
window.Apex.chart.sparkline &&
) {
chartDefaults = defaults.sparkline(chartDefaults)
newDefaults = Utils.extend(config, chartDefaults)
// config should cascade in this fashion
// default-config < global-apex-variable-config < user-defined-config
// get GLOBALLY defined options and merge with the default config
let mergedWithDefaultConfig = Utils.extend(newDefaults, window.Apex)
// get the merged config and extend with user defined config
config = Utils.extend(mergedWithDefaultConfig, opts)
// some features are not supported. those mismatches should be handled
config = this.handleUserInputErrors(config)
return config
checkForCatToNumericXAxis(chartType, chartDefaults, opts) {
let defaults = new Defaults(opts)
const isBarHorizontal =
(chartType === 'bar' || chartType === 'boxPlot') &&
opts.plotOptions &&
opts.plotOptions.bar &&
const unsupportedZoom =
chartType === 'pie' ||
chartType === 'polarArea' ||
chartType === 'donut' ||
chartType === 'radar' ||
chartType === 'radialBar' ||
chartType === 'heatmap'
const notNumericXAxis =
opts.xaxis.type !== 'datetime' && opts.xaxis.type !== 'numeric'
let tickPlacement = opts.xaxis.tickPlacement
? opts.xaxis.tickPlacement
: chartDefaults.xaxis && chartDefaults.xaxis.tickPlacement
if (
!isBarHorizontal &&
!unsupportedZoom &&
notNumericXAxis &&
tickPlacement !== 'between'
) {
opts = defaults.convertCatToNumeric(opts)
return opts
extendYAxis(opts, w) {
let options = new Options()
if (
typeof opts.yaxis === 'undefined' ||
!opts.yaxis ||
(Array.isArray(opts.yaxis) && opts.yaxis.length === 0)
) {
opts.yaxis = {}
// extend global yaxis config (only if object is provided / not an array)
if (
opts.yaxis.constructor !== Array &&
window.Apex.yaxis &&
window.Apex.yaxis.constructor !== Array
) {
opts.yaxis = Utils.extend(opts.yaxis, window.Apex.yaxis)
// as we can't extend nested object's array with extend, we need to do it first
// user can provide either an array or object in yaxis config
if (opts.yaxis.constructor !== Array) {
// convert the yaxis to array if user supplied object
opts.yaxis = [Utils.extend(options.yAxis, opts.yaxis)]
} else {
opts.yaxis = Utils.extendArray(opts.yaxis, options.yAxis)
let isLogY = false
opts.yaxis.forEach((y) => {
if (y.logarithmic) {
isLogY = true
let series = opts.series
if (w && !series) {
series = w.config.series
// A logarithmic chart works correctly when each series has a corresponding y-axis
// If this is not the case, we manually create yaxis for multi-series log chart
if (isLogY && series.length !== opts.yaxis.length && series.length) {
opts.yaxis = series.map((s, i) => {
if (!s.name) {
series[i].name = `series-${i + 1}`
if (opts.yaxis[i]) {
opts.yaxis[i].seriesName = series[i].name
return opts.yaxis[i]
} else {
const newYaxis = Utils.extend(options.yAxis, opts.yaxis[0])
newYaxis.show = false
return newYaxis
if (isLogY && series.length > 1 && series.length !== opts.yaxis.length) {
'A multi-series logarithmic chart should have equal number of series and y-axes. Please make sure to equalize both.'
return opts
// annotations also accepts array, so we need to extend them manually
extendAnnotations(opts) {
if (typeof opts.annotations === 'undefined') {
opts.annotations = {}
opts.annotations.yaxis = []
opts.annotations.xaxis = []
opts.annotations.points = []
opts = this.extendYAxisAnnotations(opts)
opts = this.extendXAxisAnnotations(opts)
opts = this.extendPointAnnotations(opts)
return opts
extendYAxisAnnotations(opts) {
let options = new Options()
opts.annotations.yaxis = Utils.extendArray(
typeof opts.annotations.yaxis !== 'undefined'
? opts.annotations.yaxis
: [],
return opts
extendXAxisAnnotations(opts) {
let options = new Options()
opts.annotations.xaxis = Utils.extendArray(
typeof opts.annotations.xaxis !== 'undefined'
? opts.annotations.xaxis
: [],
return opts
extendPointAnnotations(opts) {
let options = new Options()
opts.annotations.points = Utils.extendArray(
typeof opts.annotations.points !== 'undefined'
? opts.annotations.points
: [],
return opts
checkForDarkTheme(opts) {
if (opts.theme && opts.theme.mode === 'dark') {
if (!opts.tooltip) {
opts.tooltip = {}
if (opts.tooltip.theme !== 'light') {
opts.tooltip.theme = 'dark'
if (!opts.chart.foreColor) {
opts.chart.foreColor = '#f6f7f8'
if (!opts.chart.background) {
opts.chart.background = '#424242'
if (!opts.theme.palette) {
opts.theme.palette = 'palette4'
handleUserInputErrors(opts) {
let config = opts
// conflicting tooltip option. intersect makes sure to focus on 1 point at a time. Shared cannot be used along with it
if (config.tooltip.shared && config.tooltip.intersect) {
throw new Error(
'tooltip.shared cannot be enabled when tooltip.intersect is true. Turn off any other option by setting it to false.'
if (config.chart.type === 'bar' && config.plotOptions.bar.horizontal) {
// No multiple yaxis for bars
if (config.yaxis.length > 1) {
throw new Error(
'Multiple Y Axis for bars are not supported. Switch to column chart by setting plotOptions.bar.horizontal=false'
// if yaxis is reversed in horizontal bar chart, you should draw the y-axis on right side
if (config.yaxis[0].reversed) {
config.yaxis[0].opposite = true
config.xaxis.tooltip.enabled = false // no xaxis tooltip for horizontal bar
config.yaxis[0].tooltip.enabled = false // no xaxis tooltip for horizontal bar
config.chart.zoom.enabled = false // no zooming for horz bars
if (config.chart.type === 'bar' || config.chart.type === 'rangeBar') {
if (config.tooltip.shared) {
if (
config.xaxis.crosshairs.width === 'barWidth' &&
config.series.length > 1
) {
config.xaxis.crosshairs.width = 'tickWidth'
if (
config.chart.type === 'candlestick' ||
config.chart.type === 'boxPlot'
) {
if (config.yaxis[0].reversed) {
`Reversed y-axis in ${config.chart.type} chart is not supported.`
config.yaxis[0].reversed = false
return config