import Graphics from './Graphics' import Filters from './Filters' import Utils from '../utils/Utils' class Crosshairs { constructor(ctx) { this.ctx = ctx this.w = ctx.w } drawXCrosshairs() { const w = this.w let graphics = new Graphics(this.ctx) let filters = new Filters(this.ctx) let crosshairGradient = w.config.xaxis.crosshairs.fill.gradient let crosshairShadow = w.config.xaxis.crosshairs.dropShadow let fillType = w.config.xaxis.crosshairs.fill.type let gradientFrom = crosshairGradient.colorFrom let gradientTo = crosshairGradient.colorTo let opacityFrom = crosshairGradient.opacityFrom let opacityTo = crosshairGradient.opacityTo let stops = crosshairGradient.stops let shadow = 'none' let dropShadow = crosshairShadow.enabled let shadowLeft = crosshairShadow.left let shadowTop = let shadowBlur = crosshairShadow.blur let shadowColor = crosshairShadow.color let shadowOpacity = crosshairShadow.opacity let xcrosshairsFill = w.config.xaxis.crosshairs.fill.color if ( { if (fillType === 'gradient') { xcrosshairsFill = graphics.drawGradient( 'vertical', gradientFrom, gradientTo, opacityFrom, opacityTo, null, stops, null ) } let xcrosshairs = graphics.drawRect() if (w.config.xaxis.crosshairs.width === 1) { // to prevent drawing 2 lines, convert rect to line xcrosshairs = graphics.drawLine() } let gridHeight = w.globals.gridHeight if (!Utils.isNumber(gridHeight) || gridHeight < 0) { gridHeight = 0 } let crosshairsWidth = w.config.xaxis.crosshairs.width if (!Utils.isNumber(crosshairsWidth) || crosshairsWidth < 0) { crosshairsWidth = 0 } xcrosshairs.attr({ class: 'apexcharts-xcrosshairs', x: 0, y: 0, y2: gridHeight, width: crosshairsWidth, height: gridHeight, fill: xcrosshairsFill, filter: shadow, 'fill-opacity': w.config.xaxis.crosshairs.opacity, stroke: w.config.xaxis.crosshairs.stroke.color, 'stroke-width': w.config.xaxis.crosshairs.stroke.width, 'stroke-dasharray': w.config.xaxis.crosshairs.stroke.dashArray }) if (dropShadow) { xcrosshairs = filters.dropShadow(xcrosshairs, { left: shadowLeft, top: shadowTop, blur: shadowBlur, color: shadowColor, opacity: shadowOpacity }) } w.globals.dom.elGraphical.add(xcrosshairs) } } drawYCrosshairs() { const w = this.w let graphics = new Graphics(this.ctx) let crosshair = w.config.yaxis[0].crosshairs const offX = w.globals.barPadForNumericAxis if (w.config.yaxis[0] { let ycrosshairs = graphics.drawLine( -offX, 0, w.globals.gridWidth + offX, 0, crosshair.stroke.color, crosshair.stroke.dashArray, crosshair.stroke.width ) ycrosshairs.attr({ class: 'apexcharts-ycrosshairs' }) w.globals.dom.elGraphical.add(ycrosshairs) } // draw an invisible crosshair to help in positioning the yaxis tooltip let ycrosshairsHidden = graphics.drawLine( -offX, 0, w.globals.gridWidth + offX, 0, crosshair.stroke.color, 0, 0 ) ycrosshairsHidden.attr({ class: 'apexcharts-ycrosshairs-hidden' }) w.globals.dom.elGraphical.add(ycrosshairsHidden) } } export default Crosshairs